These Bible Studies were written during the COVID19 crisis in 2020 for distribution among members of my church, who were in various kinds of isolation or lockdown.

Because of this sense of social isolation and widespread fear and anxiety, I chose to make a study on Philippians.

This book was written by Paul in prison – and yet its most common word is Rejoice. At this time, we all needed a healthy dose of rejoicing, or reminding about how to do it.

I prepared them for a wide range of audiences: a group study perhaps conducted online, an individual or private study, for husbands and wives, and for families sitting down together around a family devotion.

It may be helpful to have some kind of a journal to write your thoughts in.

This could be a paper-and-pen journal or a digital one – whatever suits you best.

My daughter, Anna-Mieke Mulholland has kindly provided a simple colouring-in exercise for children who can thus join in with a family discussion that might be above their heads.

I’ve only allocated a short Bible reading each time to allow for deep reflection – and for the limited attention spans of younger children.

With each passage I’ve given a brief commentary, and then posed some questions for either personal reflection or group discussion.

Because the participants’ age ranges might be considerable, I’ve tried to keep the level of language complexity down to what I hope is a very wide audience.

This is not intended to be a scholarly study – just one that families can do together. But what I hope is that these reflections will be useful for the ordinary people who sit in the pews – or who used to when churches were allowed to be open.

Whoever thought we would be saying that in 2020!?!

My heart and ministry has always been for the ordinary person, because that’s who I am.

I hope that I approach the Bible with a scholar’s mind – I certainly try to.

I am always conscious of audience, of genre and the life-setting in which the passage has been written.

I try to help people to get behind all those things, to see what the Spirt of God is saying to us down through the ages.

It is my deep prayer that they will help you to live more nearly with the Holy Spirit, to love more dearly the Lord Jesus Christ, and to understand more clearly the beauty and holiness of the Father – the triune God, who has revealed himself to us truly as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Please see below for the weekly studies, published each Friday morning and click on the one you are up to.