Week Eight: Philippians 3:12—4:1

The ancient Greek world loved its athletics contests. There were regular Games in many cities, much as we enjoy sporting competitions in football or cricket or baseball. Corinth and Ephesus hosted Games from across the Empire, and of course, the Olympic Games were held every four years in Athens. Paul must have been familiar with these contests as he refers to them often in his letters. He uses examples from boxing, running, wrestling, prize-giving among others, to illustrate theological points in many of his letters.

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Week Seven: Philippians 3:1–11

In my younger years (I hope I have gained just a little wisdom with age – there’s no point getting old if you don’t also get wiser!)… I used to read this passage with some exasperation. The first paragraph is especially hard. It sounds a bit racist for modern ears, and Paul sounds like a bit of a boaster. Didn’t his mother tell him that self-praise is no recommendation?

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Week Two: Philippians 1:12–26

As I look back on my life, I can see so many things that have turned out just right for me. They didn’t always seem like that at the time, but with the passage of the years, I came to see that things which seemed to be a disaster at the time, turned out to have had side-effects or later consequences, for which I’ve been very grateful. Have you had similar experiences?

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